Are Fridge Trailers FSA Compliant?

Fridge Trailers FSA

If you’re holding a large outdoor event, or your business requires emergency refrigeration, a great option can be to hire a fridge or freezer trailer. However, if you’re going to do this, it’s important to bear in mind that all food served to the public has to be stored in a way that complies with Food Standards Agency regulations. So what are those regulations, and do fridge trailers comply?

What is the Food Standards Agency?

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is a non-ministerial government department in the UK. It was established in 2001 with the responsibility of protecting public health from illnesses and conditions arising from food. It now also incorporates the Wine Standards Board and the Meat Hygiene Service.

What are the FSA Regulations on Fridge Trailers?

While the FSA does not have regulations directly regarding fridge and freezer trailers, it does have strict guidelines relating to food storage temperatures and the standards expected of mobile and temporary food premises. Their main guidelines are as follows:

  • By law, cold food must be kept at eight degrees Celsius or below.
  • It is recommended that fridges are kept at five degrees Celsius and monitored regularly to make sure this temperature is being maintained.
  • Movable food storage or serving premises must be designed, constructed and positioned in a way that avoids the risk of contamination, particularly from animals and pests, as far as is reasonably practical. They must also be kept clean and in good working order.
  • Surfaces that are touched by food must be kept in good condition and easy to clean, and where necessary, disinfect. Because of this they need to be made of smooth, washable materials that are non-toxic and resistant to corrosion.
  • You must have adequate facilities and make the appropriate arrangements to store and dispose of hygienically any non-edible substances and waste (liquid and solid).
  • Food must be placed in a way that avoids the risk of contamination as far as possible.

So are Fridge Trailers Compliant?

The simple answer is yes, as long as they are kept clean and hygienic and maintained in good order. The best way to guarantee this is to ensure you are hiring them from a reputable and experienced company such as Icecool Trailers, who have extensive experience of providing temporary cold storage solutions to businesses and individuals throughout the UK. For further information on our company, products and services, please give us a call on 01635 250 950.

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