The Department of Health and Social Care recently issued a warning to UK drug makers about stockpiling their products as a protection against interruptions that might occur as a result of a no-deal Brexit. While Icecool Trailers takes no official position on the current Brexit negotiations, there is an important lesson to be learned here in terms of cold storage. That lesson is to be prepared for any outcome.
One of the things we specialise in is emergency cold storage. If a London customer needs a walk-in chiller because the on-site units at her restaurant have failed, we can be there within hours. If a hotel needs extra cold storage to accommodate increased stock during the busy summer wedding season, we can provide a walk-in chiller for several months.
Where Brexit is concerned, no one really knows what's going to happen between now and the spring of 2019. Hopefully all will end well. But if it doesn't, there are businesses in certain industries that could run into trouble. We are here to help where we can.
So what was the warning we mentioned? Government leaders are warning of potential supply disruptions should the UK exit the EU without a trade deal in place. Even a disruption of only a few weeks could have a very big impact on the nation's healthcare.
One particular concern are those medications that require precise temperature control in order to maintain quality. There are some medications with extremely short shelf lives even when kept at the right temperature. Shelf life could be even shorter if adequate cold storage isn't available.
Having access to a temporary walk-in chiller could mean the difference between keeping an adequate supply and falling victim to supply chain interruptions. Common sense dictates the better choice. It is better to be prepared than to take your chances that there will be no interruptions.
We explain all of this as a way of encouraging customers to not wait for an emergency before investigating temporary cold storage options. Here at Icecool Trailers, we have a fairly extensive list of loyal customers who have been using us for years. They have come to rely on our trailers and walk-in chillers to provide all of their temporary cold storage needs.
On the other hand, we frequently come to the rescue of clients that have never thought about emergency cold storage before. One of their units goes down and they suddenly realise they need help. We have helped plenty of hospitality customers that found themselves in the midst of the Christmas rush. They needed to order more stock, yet they didn't have enough cold storage space to keep it.
We encourage you to contact us right now to learn more about our service. Figure out what you'll need should an emergency arise, then prepare for it. We will be here to answer your call when the time comes.
Bloomberg –
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